Monthly Archives: December 2012

December 31

The Origin of the New Year’s Resolution

The New Year celebration was first observed in Babylon in 2000 B.C. People marked the commencement of the year by paying off debts and returning borrowed goods. The practice carried over into Rome with worshipers offering resolutions to Janus, the god of beginnings and endings. When the Roman calendar was reformed, the first month of […]

December 30

Built in IBM Labs: IBM Launches New Database for Big Data

IBM announced new DB2 database software, DB2 10 and InfoSphere Warehouse 10 to help customers tame big data environments. IBM (NYSE: IBM) has announced new software to provide clients with a better way to handle the data deluge and speed up business processes, making it easier for decision makers to gain insights from data. The […]

December 30

Are you a Harry Potter or a Frodo Baggins?

By this post’s very title it is geek porn, so embrace the inner nerd. There are two types of leaders in this world: Harry Potters and Frodo Baggins. There are those who seek to have personal triumph (Harry Potter) and those who strive for collective achievement (Frodo Baggins / Fellowship of the Ring). I am […]

December 29

Google and the Wisdom of Clouds

via BusinessWeek. A lofty new strategy aims to put incredible computing power in the hands of many. One simple question. That’s all it took for Christophe Bisciglia to bewilder confident job applicants at Google (GOOG). Bisciglia, an angular 27-year-old senior software engineer with long wavy hair, wanted to see if these undergrads were ready to […]

December 29

The British Invasion of the Laptop

“Maybe he’s on crystal meth, that stuff makes you crazy, my friend Chloe did it, she nearly shagged her brother. And he’s really ugly.” – Misfits I wouldn’t pretend to be overtly cultured or a blue blood. Someone who says, “Did you catch the Jasper Johns exhibit at the SF MOMA?” (But did you? It […]

December 28

Sic Infit

In late 1800’s, the vision of William Hammond Hall led the transformation of sand dunes in Western San Francisco into today’s Golden Gate Park. Hall’s conviction was so great that he went against the recommendation of Frederick Law Olmsted – the father of NY Central Park. That is how most great projects begin. Someone dreams […]